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How To Install A Murphy Bed

How To Install A Murphy Bed

Installing a Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed or fold-down bed, can be a great space-saving solution for small apartments, guest rooms, or home offices. These beds are designed to fold up against the wall when not in use, providing extra floor space during the day. In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing a Murphy bed, from choosing the right location to securing it properly.

1. Determine the Location

The first step in installing a Murphy bed is to determine the ideal location for it. Consider the following factors:

  • Available wall space: Measure the dimensions of the wall where you plan to install the bed to ensure it will fit properly.
  • Clearance: Make sure there is enough space in the room for the bed to fully extend when it is in use.
  • Accessibility: Choose a location that allows easy access to the bed when it is folded down.

2. Choose the Right Murphy Bed

There are various types and sizes of Murphy beds available in the market. Consider the following factors when choosing the right one for your space:

  • Size: Determine the size of the bed based on the available wall space and your specific needs.
  • Style: Choose a design that complements the overall aesthetic of the room.
  • Additional features: Some Murphy beds come with built-in storage or shelving options, which can be useful in maximizing space.

3. Prepare the Wall

Before installing the Murphy bed, you need to prepare the wall to ensure it can support the weight of the bed. Follow these steps:

  • Locate the wall studs: Use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall. The bed will need to be anchored securely to the studs for stability.
  • Mark the stud locations: Once you have located the studs, mark their positions on the wall using a pencil or masking tape.
  • Clear the area: Remove any furniture or decorations from the wall to create a clear workspace.

4. Install the Murphy Bed Frame

Now it’s time to install the Murphy bed frame. Follow these steps:

  • Position the frame: Place the frame against the wall in the desired location, aligning it with the marked stud positions.
  • Secure the frame: Use a drill and screws to attach the frame to the wall studs. Make sure the frame is level and securely anchored.
  • Test the stability: Give the frame a gentle shake to ensure it is stable and properly secured to the wall.

5. Attach the Bed Mechanism

The next step is to attach the bed mechanism, which allows the bed to fold up and down smoothly. Follow these steps:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Different Murphy bed models may have slightly different mechanisms, so it’s important to follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Attach the springs or pistons: Depending on the type of bed mechanism, you will need to attach the springs or pistons to the frame and the bed platform.
  • Test the folding mechanism: Carefully fold and unfold the bed to ensure the mechanism is working smoothly and there are no obstructions.

6. Finishing Touches

Once the bed frame and mechanism are installed, you can add some finishing touches to complete the installation:

  • Paint or stain the frame: If desired, you can paint or stain the bed frame to match the room’s decor.
  • Add a mattress: Place a comfortable mattress on the bed platform, ensuring it fits properly and is suitable for the bed size.
  • Decorate the surrounding area: Enhance the overall look of the space by adding decorative elements such as pillows, throws, or artwork.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I install a Murphy bed myself?

Yes, it is possible to install a Murphy bed yourself if you have basic DIY skills and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it is recommended to hire a professional to ensure proper installation.

2. How much space is needed for a Murphy bed?

The space needed for a Murphy bed depends on the size of the bed when it is folded down. Generally, you will need enough clearance in the room for the bed to fully extend without any obstructions. It is recommended to leave at least 5 feet of clear space in front of the bed.

3. Can I use any mattress with a Murphy bed?

Most Murphy beds are designed to accommodate standard mattresses. However, it is important to check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure the mattress size and thickness are compatible with the bed. Using a mattress that is too thick or heavy may affect the functionality of the bed.

4. Are Murphy beds safe?

When installed properly and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, Murphy beds are safe to use. The bed frames are designed to be sturdy and secure, and the mechanisms are tested for durability. However, it is important to ensure the bed is properly anchored to the wall and that the folding mechanism is in good working condition.

5. Can I customize the design of a Murphy bed?

Yes, many manufacturers offer customization options for Murphy beds. You can choose the finish, style, and additional features to match your preferences and the overall aesthetic of the room. Some manufacturers even offer custom-built Murphy beds to fit unique spaces or specific design requirements.

6. Can I move a Murphy bed to a different location?

While it is possible to move a Murphy bed to a different location, it can be a complex process. The bed frame needs to be properly disassembled, and the wall may require patching and repainting. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance when moving a Murphy bed.


Installing a Murphy bed can be a practical solution for maximizing space in small living areas. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully install a Murphy bed and enjoy the benefits of a versatile and space-saving sleeping arrangement. Remember to choose the right location, select the appropriate bed size and style, prepare the wall, securely install the frame and mechanism, and add the finishing touches to complete the installation. If in doubt, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance for a smooth and safe installation process.</