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Are Murphy Beds Attached To The Wall

Are Murphy Beds Attached To The Wall?

Murphy beds, also known as wall beds, have gained popularity in recent years due to their space-saving design and versatility. These beds are designed to be folded up and stored vertically against a wall when not in use, allowing homeowners to maximize their living space. However, a common question that arises when considering a Murphy bed is whether or not it needs to be attached to the wall. In this article, we will explore the answer to this question and provide valuable insights into the world of Murphy beds.

Understanding Murphy Beds

Murphy beds were invented by William Lawrence Murphy in the late 19th century as a solution to his limited living space. The concept behind these beds is simple yet ingenious. A Murphy bed consists of a mattress attached to a frame that can be folded up and stored vertically against a wall or inside a cabinet. This allows the bed to be hidden away when not in use, creating additional space in a room.

Do Murphy Beds Need to be Attached to the Wall?

The short answer is yes, Murphy beds do need to be attached to the wall. The wall acts as a support for the bed when it is in the upright position, ensuring stability and safety. Without proper attachment to the wall, the bed could potentially tip over or collapse, posing a risk to anyone nearby.

When installing a Murphy bed, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use the recommended hardware to secure the bed to the wall. This typically involves attaching the bed frame to the studs in the wall using screws or bolts. By doing so, the bed becomes a sturdy and reliable piece of furniture that can be safely used.

Benefits of Attaching Murphy Beds to the Wall

There are several benefits to attaching a Murphy bed to the wall:

  • Stability: Attaching the bed to the wall ensures stability and prevents it from tipping over.
  • Safety: A securely attached Murphy bed reduces the risk of accidents or injuries.
  • Space Optimization: By attaching the bed to the wall, you can make the most of your living space and create a clutter-free environment.
  • Easy to Use: When properly attached, Murphy beds are easy to fold up and down, allowing for effortless transition between sleeping and living areas.

Case Study: The Importance of Wall Attachment

A case study conducted by a leading manufacturer of Murphy beds highlights the importance of wall attachment. The study involved two identical Murphy beds, one securely attached to the wall and the other left unattached. The unattached bed was subjected to various tests simulating everyday use, such as folding and unfolding, and the results were alarming.

During the tests, the unattached bed showed signs of instability, wobbling, and even collapsing in some instances. On the other hand, the attached bed remained sturdy and reliable throughout the testing process. This case study serves as a clear demonstration of the necessity of wall attachment for Murphy beds.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a non-load-bearing wall?

While it is possible to attach a Murphy bed to a non-load-bearing wall, it is generally recommended to attach it to a load-bearing wall for added stability and safety.

2. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a plasterboard wall?

Yes, it is possible to attach a Murphy bed to a plasterboard wall. However, it is important to use appropriate anchors or toggle bolts designed for plasterboard to ensure a secure attachment.

3. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a concrete wall?

Yes, you can attach a Murphy bed to a concrete wall. Specialized concrete anchors or screws should be used to secure the bed frame to the wall.

4. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a slanted wall?

Attaching a Murphy bed to a slanted wall can be challenging. It is recommended to consult with a professional installer who can assess the feasibility and provide appropriate solutions.

5. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a temporary wall or partition?

It is not advisable to attach a Murphy bed to a temporary wall or partition. These structures may not provide the necessary stability and could compromise the safety of the bed.

6. Can I attach a Murphy bed to a drywall without studs?

Attaching a Murphy bed to drywall without studs is not recommended. Studs provide the necessary support and strength to hold the weight of the bed. If studs are not present, it is advisable to consult with a professional to explore alternative attachment methods.


Murphy beds are a practical and space-saving solution for maximizing living areas. When considering a Murphy bed, it is essential to understand that they need to be attached to the wall for stability and safety. Attaching the bed to a load-bearing wall using the recommended hardware ensures that it remains secure and reliable. By doing so, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a Murphy bed, including space optimization and ease of use. Remember to consult with professionals and follow manufacturer instructions to ensure a successful installation. With proper attachment, a Murphy bed becomes a valuable addition to any home.